« S'il y avait bien quelque chose, c'est que le travail scolaire leur était une distraction. Je sentais qu'ils apprenaient plus de leur jeu non structuré que du temps passé à écrire dans leurs livres. » ~ Pam Laricchia
"When my 10-year-old was having trouble in class, I tried everything to help him. Then I discovered unschooling."
"About eight weeks in, I picked up some workbooks for the kids and coaxed them into completing a few pages per day. They resisted. I contemplated. If anything, the school work felt like a distraction. I sensed that they were learning more from their unstructured play than from the time spent writing in their books.
That idea aligned with what I’d been reading about unschooling, a branch of home-schooling that rejects the idea of forcing kids to follow a set curriculum. The premise behind unschooling is that people learn best when they’re naturally curious and engaged. Unschooled kids wake up when they’re ready, choose what to do during the day, eat when they’re hungry and go to sleep when they’re tired. The role of the parent is to support their development, not direct it. The philosophy appealed to me—I liked the idea of empowering my kids to make their own choices." ~ Pam Laricchia
Lien vers l'article du Toronto Life : http://torontolife.com/city/life/unschooling-memoir/